Why Rock Church is Your Church

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Why Rock Church is Your Church by Mind Map: Why Rock Church is Your Church

1. Why the rock may not be your church

1.1. In a movie theater

1.2. Don't Pretend/Not Perfect

1.3. May be to "lite"

2. Don't take ourselves seriously

3. Take serving God VERY seriously

4. The Scripture is inspired

5. Believe in the supernatural

6. Online

7. We are small

8. Known as being non judgemental

9. Women are honored

10. Belong before you believe

11. In a movie theater

12. Core values

12.1. Do anything short of sin to reach people who don't know Christ

12.2. We will lead the way with irrational generosity

12.3. We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers

12.4. We are faith filled big thinking risk takers

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