Types Of Pronouns

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Types Of Pronouns by Mind Map: Types Of Pronouns

1. Interrogative Pronouns

1.1. e.g. : Who, Whose, To Whom, What, Which

1.1.1. Question

2. Demonstrative Pronouns

2.1. e.g. : This, That, Those, These

2.1.1. Point Out Specific Things

3. Indefinite Pronouns

3.1. e.g. : You, One, They, Someone, Anyone, No-one, Everyone

4. Relative Pronouns

4.1. Take Place of Conjunctions

5. Reflexive Pronouns

5.1. e.g. : Self, Selves, Yourself, Myself, Ourselves

5.1.1. Reflect

6. Possessive Pronouns

6.1. e.g. : Hers, Yours, Mine, His, Ours

6.1.1. Ownership

7. Personal Pronouns

7.1. e.g. : She, He, You, I, They

7.1.1. People, Things