The Future of Media
by Helen Baxter
1. Published by Helen Baxter, Mohawk Media, NZ under a Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) License. You can share, remix and republish this work for non commercial use, as long as you give attribution and publish using the same CC license.
2. Future of Media Teaching
2.1. Publish v Practice
2.1.1. More hands on
2.1.2. Less theory
2.1.3. Income streams & syndication
2.2. Publishing now Two-Way
2.2.1. 1. creation & publishing of content
2.2.2. 2. managing audience feedback
2.3. Format changes structure
2.3.1. Shorter Formats 2-3 mins
2.3.2. No Padding for Ad Breaks
2.4. Webtop v Desktop Applications
2.5. 3D Virtual Worlds
2.5.1. e-Learning Academies - 2nd Life
2.5.2. Live Lectures with world experts
2.5.3. Avatars & Teleprescence - for interviews, conferences & work
2.5.4. Machinima made Cinema
3. Open Source Software
3.1. Free, Open, Customisable, Shareable
3.2. Edubuntu for Operating System
3.3. Drupal for Community Platform
3.4. Moodle for e-Learning Spaces
3.5. Open Office / Zopa for office tools
4. Web 2.0
4.1. The Internet is now Integral not External to Life
4.2. The Semantic Web
4.2.1. Tagging Folksonomy Taxonomy
4.3. Wikis
4.4. Blogs
4.5. RSS
4.5.1. Readers
4.5.2. Aggregators
4.6. Podcasting / Streaming
4.6.1. v Radio
4.7. E-Learning from the best
4.8. Vlogging
4.8.1. v TV
4.9. Social News Networks
4.9.1. Citizen Media
5. Future of Media Work
5.1. New Pathways to Publishing
5.2. Markets / Income
5.3. Plummeting Production Costs
5.4. Lower barriers to entry
5.5. Knowledge Workers
5.6. Remote / Distributed Teams
5.7. Copyright
5.7.1. Copyleft
5.7.2. Creative Commons
5.8. Telepresence & Telework
5.9. Obsolesence
5.9.1. Digital has changed everything
5.9.2. Robots will change it again!