Trump on Judicial Milestone 11/6

Trump of Judicial Milestone 11/6

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Trump on Judicial Milestone 11/6 by Mind Map: Trump on Judicial Milestone 11/6

1. history of judicial branch

1.1. protect unjust government power

1.1.1. protecting one civil liberties

1.2. 3 different branches

1.2.1. executive

1.2.2. judicial

1.2.3. legislative

2. purpose

2.1. restore freedom

2.2. defend justicing

2.3. preserve vision of found fathers

3. congress

3.1. initially divided

3.2. overturned views

4. appointment of federal judges

4.1. 159 new judges from 142 empty slots

4.2. 112 district, 44 circuit, and 2 supreme court judges

4.3. 182 new judges in next few months

5. recognition of people amongst congress

5.1. Mitch Moconnel

5.2. Chuck Grassley

5.3. Lindsey Graham

5.4. office of legal party

5.5. Brett Kavanaugh

5.5.1. case with congress influence

6. reflecting initial promises during campaign

6.1. Trump fulfilled filling empty slots

6.2. fix obamas acts during presidency