1. Let’s be Wise (Know the Game We’re Playing)

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1. Let’s be Wise (Know the Game We’re Playing) por Mind Map: 1. Let’s be Wise (Know the Game We’re Playing)

1. We Can't Motivate You! Motivation Comes From Within!

2. 1. What Does the Best Version of You Look Like?

3. 2. What's Getting in the Way?

4. 2. Your Cookie Jar: List Times When You have Acted Like This Person in the Past

5. Know the Game We Are Playing

5.1. What makes a happy person happy?

5.1.1. The summum bonum, To have a good soul. To express the best within you, living with virtue right now, in the present, moment-to-moment.

5.1.2. 1. Step outside your comfort zone

5.1.3. 2. Serve Others

5.1.4. 3.Making daily progress towards a goal that fires us up.

5.1.5. Need to find a way to measure if you're in integrity with your deepest values.

5.2. Step into The Arena Today

5.2.1. What is your Arena?

6. Do You want to be this Person More often? Why?

6.1. What's Your "Why"?