Food, Family and Culture in the Southeast USA

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Food, Family and Culture in the Southeast USA by Mind Map: Food, Family and Culture in the Southeast USA

1. History

1.1. English colonists

1.2. Red clay soil

1.3. Tobacco

1.4. Cotton

1.5. Protestantism

2. Music

2.1. Gospel

2.2. Jazz

2.3. Blues

3. Food

3.1. Pulled pork

3.2. Fried chicken

3.3. Collard Greens

3.4. Macaroni and cheese

3.5. Cornbread

3.6. Hushpuppies

3.7. Cole slaw

3.8. Brunswick stew

3.9. Biscuits

3.10. Gumbo

4. Geography

4.1. Alabama

4.2. North Carolina

4.3. South Carolina

4.4. Georgia

4.5. Arkansas

4.6. Florida

4.7. Tennessee

4.8. Mississippi

4.9. Louisiana

5. Culture

5.1. Football

5.2. Agriculture fairs

5.3. Weekend barbecues

5.4. Beaches

5.5. Appalachian mountains