1. Psychodynamic Theory
1.1. Bouncer boyfriend-Michael Cartier
1.2. Abusive relationship
1.2.1. Cartier was abusive and brutal not only to Kristin but other women
1.2.2. Mention of killing his mother
1.2.3. Cartier dismembered, tortured, and killed pets
1.2.4. Cartier injected blood into a ketchup bottle at a restaurant
1.2.5. Cartier violated restraining orders and conditions of probation
1.2.6. On May 30, 1992 Cartier killed Kristin and himself
1.3. Human Behavior and Motivation
1.4. Organizational Theory
1.4.1. The public agencies responsible for obtaining Cartier's background
1.5. Abraham Maslow
1.5.1. Hierarchy of human needs such as physiological needs, safety, and self actualization needs
2. Bureaucracy Theory
2.1. Probation Officer
2.1.1. Law Enforcement Judicial System and Process Judicial System Failure Cartier's Criminal and Mental Health History Communication
2.1.2. Providing Protection, Processing Violation of Probation Report, Obtaining Arrest Warrant, and Serving Arrest Warrants
2.2. Supervision and Re-entry efforts by Probation Officers'
3. New Public Administration Theory
3.1. Management Phiosophy
3.1.1. New reforms