Digital Citizenship by Teck-Phui and Natasha

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Digital Citizenship by Teck-Phui and Natasha by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship by Teck-Phui and Natasha

1. Digital Health and Wellness

1.1. Eyes - Natasha

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Posture - Natasha

1.3. Dehydration - Teck-Phui

1.4. Ears - Teck-Phui

2. Digital Security

2.1. Virus Protection - Natasha

2.2. Backups of Data - Natasha

2.3. Viruses - Teck-Phui

2.4. Passwords - Teck-Phui

3. Digital Access

3.1. Access to technology - Teck-Phui

3.2. Fair access - Teck-Phui

3.3. The Digital Divide - Natasha

3.4. Internet Addiction - Natasha

4. Digital Commerce

4.1. Buying goods online - Teck-Phui

4.2. Selling goods online - Teck-Phui

4.3. Advertisements on online shopping sites - Natasha

4.4. Children and online stores - Natasha

5. Digital Literacy

5.1. Using technology - Teck-Phui

5.2. Learning about technology - Teck-Phui

5.3. Technology learning at school - Natasha

5.4. Learning in a digital society - Natasha

6. Digital Etiquette

6.1. Reporting and Flagging - Teck-Phui

6.2. Rules and Policies - Teck-Phui

6.3. Learning Digital Etiquette - Natasha

6.4. Treating others online - Natasha

7. Digital Law

7.1. Identity Theft- Natasha

7.2. Unethical Behaviour - Natasha

7.3. Spamming - Teck-Phui

7.4. Plagiarizing - Teck-Phui

8. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

8.1. Be Responsible - Natasha

8.2. Rights of a Digital Citizen - Natasha

8.3. Freedom - Teck-Phui

8.4. Privacy - Teck-Phui

9. Digital Communication

9.1. Exchanging information - Teck-Phui

9.2. Communication options - Teck-Phui

9.3. Beware of spam - Natasha

9.4. Texting - Natasha