Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? thesis statement: It is impossible to eliminate global poverty, because it requires a lot of effort and will power as well as corroboration from all countries.da Charlotte Lim
1. 2. Method of elimination dictates long term success and thus timeframe needed to deem poverty eradicated. Long term solutions therfore mean a very long period of time is needed before the problem can be solved.
2. 1. Requires the combined effort of all governments internationally to eradicate poverty on a global scale.
3. As the populations of these areas and their demand for energy increase, they will have to rely even more on their traditional sources of energy. The additional cutting of forests will result in emissions of carbon when this additional energy could otherwise have been supplied by renewable energy sources such as hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy. In this way too, the current recession is likely to harm the environment and the poor.
4. Argument: Global poverty elimination not realistic.
5. Providing aid and relief donations to poverty stricken countries from the ravages of war is merely a short term solution and does not translate to eradication in long run.
6. Financial crises such as recessions cause economic downturns and slows down the global economy, resulting in the loss of jobs and the inability to develop and redevelop for the LDCs and DCs respectively.
7. Recovery after recession does not necessarily help the economy by bringing it back to the state that it originally was as what went down cannot simply come back overnight. Thus, the impact of recession on the global economy proves that eliminating poverty is an unrealistic aim.
8. With globalization and communication, men can tap on technology and share knowledge and skills with each other, therefore having the means to reduce poverty, through
9. Needs the cooperation of all govts but unrealistic as it is difficult for countries to agree on such things. Developing countries facing the fastest rate of econ growth and therefore the most rapidly widening income gap, are more focued on improving thier economic situation, and less on equality, as compared to developed countries.
10. Break out of poverty cycle= requires help that will allow ppl to reconstruct their lives, such as investing in education and providing loans to small businesses.
11. The economic slowdown is likely to delay the ability of many countries to provide alternative sources of energy to the rural poor who currently depend on traditional fuels.
12. Example: under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 26: Everyone has the right to free education, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
13. The Asia-Pacific region has already reached the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the incidence of poverty, reducing the proportion of people living on less than USD1.25 per day from 50 to 22 per cent between 1990 and 2009, according to the latest assessment of regional progress towards the MDGs published by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
14. Rebuttal: Education will be proven to be redundant in eliminating poverty ultimately as globalization increases the rich-poor divide among the developed and developing countries
15. Counter argument: Everyone has the right to free education. With free education for everyone, individuals will have the knowledge and basic skills to get a job for themselves to make a living.
16. Conclusion: complete elimination of global poverty is not possible. We must start with individual's mentality and education. Although it is possible to reduce the rich-poor divide globally, to eliminate it is too far-reaching as there are many issues to deal with, such as women empowerment, education for all, corruption among leaders, before poverty can be eradicated.
16.1. some govts, esp those of less developed countries, may face problems of a lack of political will or rampant corruption as deepset societal issues that need to be resolved before the country can tackle poverty effectively.
17. Intro: Poverty is the lack of basic human needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter, because of the inability to afford them.
18. evidence: A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth.
19. Para 3: Recession causes many to lose their jobs and suffer from mild or severe poverty.