1. Distribution
1.1. The use of GitHub to store data
1.2. Dropbox accounts
1.3. Enable .zip downloads through GitHub
1.4. Compile files into .exe
1.5. I wonder if Joomla has a downloads extension that works with J2.5???
2. Communications
2.1. IRC Network: irc://irc.esper.net/mcdek
2.2. Chatango (MCDek)
2.3. Online Resources
2.3.1. http://www.dekemaserv.com
2.3.2. http://www.dekemaserv.com/forums
2.3.3. http://dekemaserv.wikia.com
2.3.4. http://www.dekemaserv.com/gallery
2.3.5. http://mc3lnetwork.net
2.3.6. http://www.youtube.com/user/appleincfriend Official MCDek YouTube account
2.3.7. http://www.youtube.com/user/mc3lgaming
2.3.8. http://www.twitter.com/DodgeThemAll
2.3.9. http://twitter.com/#!/MCDekDekemaServ
2.3.10. No Facebook for right now
3. Staff Relations
3.1. Staff Incentives
3.1.1. Staff-only rank on servers
3.1.2. View pre-releases
3.1.3. get your own Dropbox folder
3.1.4. your name "stamped" on http://www.dekemaserv.com/index.php
3.1.5. contributions and commits to GitHub
3.2. Current Staff
3.2.1. 303i
3.2.2. dekema2
3.2.3. soccerpro123
3.2.4. MinedroidFTW
3.2.5. MinedroidFTW
3.2.6. soccerpro123
3.2.7. ballock1
3.2.8. 3pic_Killz
3.2.9. STiiCS
3.2.10. Legend: Red is Admin, Yellow is Head-Dev, Amber is Standard Dev, Light Blue is Web-Dev, Green is Moderator and Magenta is V.I.P.
3.3. Hiring
3.3.1. Hiring should still be done on the Minecraft forum I guess
3.4. Firing Code
3.4.1. Not active in a month, unless on hiatus
3.4.2. Not uploading to GitHub, unless on hiatus
3.4.3. Not moderating, unless on hiatus
4. Official 24/7 server (DekemaServ)
4.1. DekemaServ Freebuild [MC3L] is our nostalgia server
4.2. Hosted by 303i
4.3. Today, our 24/7 server is hosted by V.I.P. soccerpro123
4.4. Is called, "!24/7 Offical MCDek-DTA Server
4.5. Has a caring and friendly staff, and big builds.
4.6. New node
5. Legend
5.1. This icon means this exists
5.2. This icon means this may not be possible but an attempt will be made to make it
5.3. This icon means there is no development in this sector yet
5.4. This icon means that development is in progress on this feature.
5.5. These icons tell you the priority of the feature; the lower the number the higher the priority (1st priority)
5.6. This icon shows that it's just a thought
5.7. The relative sizes, boldings, italics and colors are also very important to show priority.
6. Advertising
6.1. Creating threads on http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums
6.2. Updating devs and moderators on http://www.minecraftwiki.net/Custom_servers#Metadata_2, and updating our features at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/Custom_servers#Features_3
6.3. Minecraftnews.net? Are they any good?
6.4. How about Reddit?
7. MCDek Software
7.1. Features
7.2. Current Commands (may give your browser a heart attack)
7.2.1. /abort
7.2.2. /about
7.2.3. /afk
7.2.4. /ban
7.2.5. /banip
7.2.6. /bind
7.2.7. /bind
7.2.8. /blocks
7.2.9. /blockset
7.2.10. /botadd
7.2.11. /botai
7.2.12. /botremove
7.2.13. /bots
7.2.14. /botset
7.2.15. /botsummon
7.2.16. /clearblockchanges
7.2.17. /click
7.2.18. /clones
7.2.19. /cmdbind
7.2.20. /cmdcreate
7.2.21. /cmdload
7.2.22. /cmdset
7.2.23. /cmdunload
7.2.24. /compile
7.2.25. /color
7.2.26. /copy
7.2.27. /ctf
7.2.28. /cuboid
7.2.29. /delete
7.2.30. /deletelvl
7.2.31. /devs
7.2.32. /emote
7.2.33. /fill
7.2.34. /fixgrass
7.2.35. /flipheads
7.2.36. /fly
7.2.37. /follow
7.2.38. /freeze
7.2.39. /give
7.2.40. /goto
7.2.41. /gun
7.2.42. /hacks
7.2.43. /hasirc
7.2.44. /help
7.2.45. /hide
7.2.46. /highlight
7.2.47. /hollow
7.2.48. /host
7.2.49. /imageprint
7.2.50. /info
7.2.51. /inbox
7.2.52. /invisible
7.2.53. /jail
7.2.54. /joker
7.2.55. /kick
7.2.56. /kickban
7.2.57. /kill
7.2.58. /lastcmd
7.2.59. /levels
7.2.60. /limit
7.2.61. /lag
7.2.62. /line
7.2.63. /load
7.2.64. /map
7.2.65. /mapinfo
7.2.66. /me
7.2.67. /measure
7.2.68. /megaboid
7.2.69. /mb
7.2.70. /misiile
7.2.71. /mode
7.2.72. /moderate
7.2.73. /move
7.2.74. /museum
7.2.75. /move
7.2.76. /mute
7.2.77. /opchat
7.2.78. /ops
7.2.79. /outline
7.2.80. /paint
7.2.81. /paste
7.2.82. /pause
7.2.83. /pay
7.2.84. /pcount
7.2.85. /perbuild
7.2.86. /pervisit
7.2.87. /physics
7.2.88. /place
7.2.89. /players
7.2.90. /portal
7.2.91. /rainbow
7.2.92. /redo
7.2.93. /renamelvl
7.2.94. /repeat
7.2.95. /replace
7.2.96. /replaceall
7.2.97. /replacenot
7.2.98. /resetbot
7.2.99. /restart
7.2.100. /restartphysics
7.2.101. /restore
7.2.102. /retrieve
7.2.103. /reveal
7.2.104. /ride
7.2.105. /roll
7.2.106. /rules
7.2.107. /save
7.2.108. /say
7.2.109. /send
7.2.110. /serverreport
7.2.111. /setrank
7.2.112. /setspawn
7.2.113. /slap
7.2.114. /spawn
7.2.115. /spheroid
7.2.116. /spin
7.2.117. /stairs
7.2.118. /static
7.2.119. /store
7.2.120. /summon
7.2.121. /take
7.2.122. /tempban
7.2.123. /text
7.2.124. /time
7.2.125. /timer
7.2.126. /title
7.2.127. /tnt
7.2.128. /tp
7.2.129. /tpzone
7.2.130. /tree
7.2.131. /trust
7.2.132. /unban
7.2.133. /unbanip
7.2.134. /undo
7.2.135. /unload
7.2.136. /unloaded
7.2.137. /update
7.2.138. /view
7.2.139. /viewranks
7.2.140. /voice
7.2.141. /whisper
7.2.142. /whoip
7.2.143. /whois
7.2.144. /whowas
7.2.145. /write
7.2.146. /zone
7.2.147. /home
7.2.148. /airraid
7.2.149. /christmastree
7.3. Future Suggestions/Features/Commands
7.3.1. GUI Clobal Chat in console/GUI
7.3.2. Server Developer-only rank
7.3.3. Commands *read note* /stats /sym /extendmap /playercard /build /spleef /converse /news /meetingsetup /atcguy /echo
7.3.4. Blocks /supernuke
7.4. Custom Commands
7.5. Learning and teaching MySQL, C#, etc.
7.5.1. I'll put up a link on the site to thenewboston's (http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston ) videos on YouTube. Very, very educational but they don't put you to sleep.