Flow - Share Creative Ideas

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Flow - Share Creative Ideas af Mind Map: Flow - Share Creative Ideas

1. healthy

1.1. everyone

1.1.1. not affordable

2. share

2.1. resources

2.1.1. all community

3. support

3.1. voiceless

3.1.1. insecure

4. vulnerable

4.1. resources

4.1.1. shared

5. community

5.1. lonely

5.1.1. single unite families

6. inspire

6.1. initiative

6.1.1. share

7. the hungry

7.1. ashamed

7.2. pay check to pay check

7.2.1. preproscessed food

8. volunteer

8.1. committed

8.1.1. selfless

9. teach

9.1. local colleges

9.1.1. curriculum

10. excited

10.1. lead

10.1.1. collaborate

11. growth

11.1. increase skills

11.1.1. everyone