Personal Learning network

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Personal Learning network by Mind Map: Personal Learning network

1. Youtube

2. Art

2.1. Deviant Art

2.2. Photoshop

2.2.1. Honkai

2.2.2. Vandelay design

3. School

3.1. Yahoo Groups

3.2. Facebook

3.3. My Lasalle

3.4. Tumblr

3.5. Google docs

4. Music

4.1. Guitar

4.1.1. GuitarJamz

4.1.2. Ultimate-Guitar

4.2. Fave artist

4.2.1. My Chemical Romance

4.2.2. Linkin Park

4.2.3. Paramore

4.2.4. Tonight Alive

4.2.5. Quietdrive

5. programming

5.1. The New Boston

5.2. Rose India

5.3. Google