by Albert Teng
1. Force on a current-carrying conductor
1.1. magnitude: F=BILsin θ
1.2. direction: FLHR
1.3. Current balance experiment
1.3.1. to measure: magnetic flux density or magnetic field strength, B the force exerted per unit length per unit current on a conductor placed perpendicularly to the magnetic field units: Tesla(T)
2. Magnetic Fields due to currents
2.1. Permeability of free space µ0 = 4π×10−7 Hm-1
2.2. Right hand grip rule
2.2.1. Long straight wire
2.2.2. Flat circular coil
2.2.3. long solenoid
3. Force on a moving charge
3.1. magnitude => F=BQvsinθ
3.2. direction FLHR
3.3. Analyse the direction of a moving charge by uniform electric field and uniform magnetic field
3.3.1. Velocity selector: Fe=Fa qE=Bqv v=E/B
4. Force between current-carrying conductors
4.1. Anaylse the forces due to magnetic fields of current-carrrying conductors
4.1.1. Perpendicular wires No force experienced
4.1.2. Parallel Wires Different direction: repel as the direction of magnetic field in between the two wires is the same and will be added together and repel the two wires Same direction: attract as the direction of magnetic field in between the two wires is opposite to each other and cancels out