Algebra Q2 Benchmark

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Algebra Q2 Benchmark by Mind Map: Algebra Q2 Benchmark

1. application

1.1. linear functions and cell phone plans

1.2. Graphing

1.2.1. labeling

1.2.2. axis

1.2.3. points on lines

1.3. equations

1.3.1. independent variables

1.3.2. dependent variables

1.4. comparing values

2. design

2.1. make decisions about plot size

3. knowledge

3.1. Linear Modeling

3.1.1. y = mx + b

3.1.2. slope rate of change

3.1.3. graphing

3.2. decimals

3.2.1. dollars vs cents

4. process

4.1. steps in order

4.2. ability to utilize given information

4.3. New node

5. presentation

5.1. graphs

5.1.1. labels

5.1.2. clarity

5.1.3. emphasis

5.2. question responses