STUDENT SUCCESS Map for College Freshmen

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STUDENT SUCCESS Map for College Freshmen por Mind Map: STUDENT SUCCESS Map  for College Freshmen

1. 1. Accept personal responsibility for your learning and success

1.1. Don't be a zombie; take control of your life

1.1.1. Being in control of your life is liberating and empowering

1.1.2. Everything is possible, just make it so

1.2. College is a new beginning

1.2.1. Fresh start

1.2.2. New challenges

1.2.3. New opportunities

1.3. Stop blaming others

1.3.1. You are responsible for your decisions

1.3.2. You are responsible for your learning

1.3.3. You are responsible for your success

1.4. Responsibility doesn't mean that you don't make mistakes; it means that you accept consequences for them

1.5. Shortcuts will get you nowhere fast

1.6. Take charge now and keep it up

1.6.1. Success doesn't happen overnight

1.6.2. Make responsibility part of your everyday life

2. 2. Re-examine everything

2.1. Great opportunity for a fresh start

2.1.1. Same old you or improved you?

2.1.2. What's working?

2.1.3. What's not working?

2.2. Don't self-judge

2.2.1. Always be comfortable with who you are

2.2.2. Evaluate actions, not self

2.3. Mindset

2.3.1. Do you believe in yourself?

2.3.2. What do you find interesting?

2.3.3. What do you want out of college?

2.3.4. What do you want out of life?

2.4. Skills

2.4.1. What are your strengths?

2.4.2. What are your weaknesses?

2.4.3. How are you managing your time?

2.4.4. Who are your friends?

2.5. How are you learning?

2.5.1. How effective (grades)?

2.5.2. How efficient (time)?

2.5.3. Are you just studying or actually learning?

2.5.4. Who's in your personal learning network?

3. 3. Set goals and pursue them

3.1. Begin with the end

3.1.1. Future goals drive what you do today

3.1.2. Take at least one small step everyday

3.2. Be proactive

3.2.1. Things won't come to you; you have to go get them

3.2.2. Actively pursue your goals

3.3. Measure progress toward goals

3.3.1. Where you were

3.3.2. Where you are

3.4. Finish what you start

3.4.1. Be conscientious

3.4.2. Do a good job

3.4.3. Don't give up

3.5. Update goals over time as priorities and resources change

3.5.1. Let goals evolve

3.5.2. Don't let unattainable goals hold you from larger goals

4. 4. Commit to lifelong learning & growth

4.1. Never stop learning

4.1.1. Challenge yourself

4.1.2. Try new problems

4.1.3. Ask questions

4.1.4. Ask for help

4.2. Continuously improve

4.2.1. With each task, focus on improving performance

4.2.2. Get feedback on performance

4.2.3. Get into it to make it fun

4.3. Keep a balance

4.3.1. Personal

4.3.2. School and work

4.3.3. Family

4.4. Do your best

4.4.1. Take calculated risks

4.4.2. Deal with problems quickly and effectively

4.4.3. Learn from mistakes

4.5. Give back to others

4.5.1. Share what you've learned

4.5.2. Respect others

5. 5. Discover and follow your passion

5.1. What do you want to do after you graduate?

5.1.1. You can't be doing million things

5.1.2. Pick one or two and become the best

5.2. Find your passion

5.2.1. Who are you?

5.2.2. Why are you doing what you're doing?

5.2.3. What are your dreams?

5.2.4. What is your purpose?

5.2.5. What do you do best?

5.2.6. What gets you excited?

5.2.7. What gets you energized?

5.3. Follow your passion

5.3.1. Enjoy life

5.3.2. Have fun

6. Bottom Line

6.1. Your success depends on your acceptance of your personal responsibility for your learning and success

6.1.1. Ignore it at your own peril

6.1.2. Embrace to discover a new and exciting direction in your life

7. Info

7.1. Toni Krasnic, author of Concise Learning



7.2. Cartoons by Ron Leishman

