What are you passionate about? [cash tax receipt]

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What are you passionate about? [cash tax receipt] by Mind Map: What are you passionate about? [cash tax receipt]

1. Kristina

1.1. Send me a cheque and I'll apply it where I think it is best used (not me personally, but which organization I think needs it most). [Hard at work at a conference in Toronto]

2. Theatre

2.1. Do you like theatre that recognizes the accomplishments and failures of the world and use biographical material to magnify these events through extended collaborative processes?

2.1.1. Theatre Replacement - Donation

2.2. Do you like highly physical, character-driven performance that uniquely blends movement, text, dance and theatre

2.2.1. Tara Cheyenne Performance - Donation

3. Interdisciplinary Performance

3.1. Do you like highly physical, character-driven performance that uniquely blends movement, text, dance and theatre

3.1.1. Tara Cheyenne Performance - Donation

3.2. Do you like artists paired together working under time deadlines across artistic disciplines to create short performance pieces

3.2.1. The Tomorrow Collective's Brief Encounters - Donation

4. Dance

4.1. Do you like innovative dance work and dance on film?

4.1.1. The Tomorrow Collective - Original Dance Performance and Film - Donation

4.2. Do you like highly physical, character-driven performance that uniquely blends movement, text, dance and theatre

4.2.1. Tara Cheyenne Performance - Donation

5. Children's Art Education

5.1. Arts Umbrella - Donation