1. Connected
1.1. Successful people have ...
1.1.1. ...tool box
1.1.2. ...small goals that lead to big ones
1.1.3. ...mastered the H.O.Ms
1.1.4. ...all their equipment
1.1.5. ...lots of practise!
1.1.6. Are great learners
1.1.7. Give and get feedback
1.1.8. Reflect on their learning
2. P.E
2.1. Swimming - long legs, head down.
2.2. Ultimate - how to throw and catch a frisbee.
2.3. Duathlon
3. Te Reo
3.1. Saying my Mihi
4. Camp
4.1. Being a part of a team
4.2. Native bush knowledge
4.3. Putting up and using a tent
4.4. Being independant
5. Digital Literacy
5.1. How to create a blog / efolio
5.2. Write an email
5.3. Write a post
5.4. Embed a third party application
5.5. Insert widgets / change themes
5.6. Record 'Voicethreads'
5.7. Participate in a 'Skype' meeting
5.8. Using research tools
5.8.1. Wikipedia
5.8.2. Google Earth / Maps
6. Graphs
6.1. How to collect data and make a graph
6.2. How to make 'trend' statements
7. Literacy
7.1. Reading
7.1.1. How to find the main idea.
7.1.2. Presenting the main idea - QNews
7.1.3. New vocabulary
7.2. Writing
7.2.1. Creating a picture in the readers head.
7.2.2. Great recounts include the W's and H.
7.2.3. Capitals, full stops and speech marks.
7.2.4. Formal letter writing
7.3. Visual language
7.3.1. How to make an effective poster
7.3.2. How to do sign language
8. Numeracy
8.1. Number
8.1.1. Using strategies to add and subtract using 10's and 1's using tidy numbers doubles algorithms Using these strategies in my head
8.2. Position / Orientation
8.2.1. Reading / using a compass
8.2.2. Using grid co-ordinates