Is the idea of having one partner for life still a realistic one?

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Is the idea of having one partner for life still a realistic one? von Mind Map: Is the idea of having one partner for life still a realistic one?

1. Reason 2:In today's society, marriage partners may break up with each other once their marriage are on the rocks.Where marriage is no longer perceived as a sacred union, but more of a social contract. They would often find somebody else to seek comfort and heal their emotional scars.

1.1. Elaboration: It is not necessary, and almost impossible, to love the same person for life. Love and marriage are completely different from each other in the modern world, the feelings of affection for someone will never be the same again after a marriage. It is also often said 'Marriage is the burial ground of love.'After a divorce, many people will start finding new partners. In other words, most people will need someone to depend on emotionally at some point in their life. When their partner leaves them due to conflicts or other various reasons, they would often need someone else to give them an emotional shelter.

1.1.1. A study in Singapore has show that (the) number of divorces (has) increased from 6904 in 2005 to 7405 in 2010,while (the) number of marriages (has) dropped. This highlights that the idea of having more than 1 partner for life is not practical or realistic anymore. by Hao Ran An increase in divorce rates does not necessarily mean that those individuals will definitely seek other partners in their lives.

1.1.2. I like your first sentence. Because love depends on a variety of factors, and is frankly, quite volatile and unpredictable. But your elaboration can be better - try not to generalize. Not all individuals "definitely need someone else to give them an emotional shelter", there are many widows and singles out there in society who are not actively looking for life partners. You should consider this point as well - What about individuals who choose to remain single for whatsoever reasons?

1.2. Again, what do you mean by the marriage being on the rocks? Make the link clearer - For instance: It is no longer realistic to have one partner for life as marriage is no longer perceived as a sacred union, but more of a social contract.

2. Supporting Argument

2.1. Reason 2:The feelings and attachment for someone who becomes your life partner, even only for a short while, is irreplaceable.

2.1.1. Elaboration: This is because that significant other has become an essential portion of your life. Even if the craving for company can be satisfied, the feeling can never be the same. To some extent, having more than one partner in life can be seen as betrayal – be it simultaneously or one after the other. For instance, after your significant other has passed away, having a new flame would still mean betrayal as love does not end even when life does. It is perfectly realistic as people have the ability to keep faithful to only one person their whole life, especially when that person is someone they are truly in love with. by Belinda I like your point that people have the ability to remain faithful to one person during his/her entire lifetime. How does your elaboration paragraph link back to the question of whether is it realistic to have one partner for life? It seems more like WHY we should only have one partner for life...

2.2. Reason 1:I do believe that having one partner in life is still realistic today, due to its impact on the rearing of children.

2.2.1. Elaboration: Despite the increased prevalence of polygamous and polyamorous relationships, monogamous relationships were what human society was built upon, by providing a very stable base for children to grow up in. In polygamous or polyamorous relationships, there is a high chance that people might feel particular affection for one partner over another, thus leading to split-ups or divorces. The number of institutionalised children is increasing at an alarming rate, and one of the main reasons for this is divorce. Thus, monogamous relationships ensure a balanced physical, mental and emotional development of children, also allowing them to develop a sense of familiarity with their care-giver. It is of utmost importance that children are brought up in a stable, familiar household which will allow them to become responsible citizens of the future. Due to the aforementioned positive impact that monogamy has on children, most young adults would gravitate towards monogamous relationships, hence ensuring that the idea of having one partner in life is still realistic today. by Rajiv How does this answer the question of whether is it realistic to expect people to have only one partner for life? This argument needs to be re-looked at. Realistic means achievable, or practical. Your group needs to focus on the definition of realistic.

2.2.2. You need to be more specific in the link between having a partner for life and its impact on the bringing up of children.

3. Opposing Argument

3.1. Reason 1:Times have changed. Many now place work before relationships and (forming) families. Hence they do not form genuine ties with people because they’re more focused on climbing to the top.

3.1.1. Elaboration:As many young working adults are relatively competitive in the workforce, they are more solitary as it is difficult to trust their colleagues for fear that they might plot against them, hence hindering the path to success. As such, they become more distant and thus making it more difficult to find a suitable partner to settle down with for the rest of their lives. Even if they eventually do settle down, couples may get into heated debate on whether to have children or not. Women these days are vastly different from the traditional women in the past. Some women now are workaholics as well, reluctant to give birth and form a family due to high amount of time, care and money required to spend on children. As such, disagreements will occur and when neither of the couple backs down, this will cause a rift between them. Also another scenario is such when either one of the parent spends more time working and meeting clients as compared to taking care of family matters and spending time with the children. This would affect the family and couple relations in the long run and may eventually lead to unhappiness and divorce. Young adults nowadays are more self-centred and concerned about their own needs. With lack of consideration for others especially your partner, the relationship would be unstable and not feasible in today’s society. by Rou Hui What is your topic sentence? What is your main idea? How does this paragraph link back to the question of whether or not it is realistic to have one partner for life? How does competition in the workplace affect the chances of people finding their life partners? Solitude in the workplace does not mean zero social life right? You have several points in this paragraph, for instance, traditional vs present notions of women can be a separate point altogether.

3.1.2. What do you mean by climbing to the top? Be more specific.

4. Thesis Statement: Following the progression of our society, many views and thoughts have changed. What is right and relevant in the past might not be so in the current era. One such example would be the idea of having one partner for life. In the past, the tradition of marriage means sticking to one partner for life and never splitting up. However, the number of divorces has increased over the years as our society evolved into the modern world. Is the idea still relevant and realistic? Our group agrees and that the idea is still important in the current context.

4.1. Not too bad. But how is the idea important?

5. Conclusion

6. Conclusion: We agree that the idea of having one partner for life is still realistic and relevant in the modern world context. Even though different people have different needs and some people, though faithful, still requires the company of someone else after one partner has left them. The fact remains that the number of first time marriages is still large, depicting the fact that many still prefers one partner for life.