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Sökbegrepp by Mind Map: Sökbegrepp

1. Hjärtinfarkt / Myocardial Infarction

1.1. Myocardial infarction

1.1.1. BT: Cardiovascular Diseases ...

1.1.2. ...NT (4)

1.2. RT: Coronary Disease

2. Kvinnor (patienter) / xx (patients)

2.1. Patients

2.1.1. Cardiac Patients

2.1.2. Survivors

2.2. Women

2.3. Wom?n*

2.4. Female - checktag

2.5. Sex factors

2.6. Women's Health

3. Sjuksköterskans perspektiv / Nurse's perspective

3.1. Nurse Attitudes

3.2. Nursing

3.3. Nurses

3.4. Nursing (faculty) practice

3.5. Nursing Role

3.6. Nurse-Patient Relations

3.7. Nursing Care

3.8. Nursing Assessment

3.9. Nursing Skills

3.10. Clinical Competence

3.11. Nursing Knowledge

4. Återhämtning / Recovery (of Function) / Convalescence

4.1. Convalescence

4.2. Recovery

4.3. Recovery of function

4.3.1. BT: Biological Phenomena

4.4. Adaptation, Physiological

4.5. Rehabilitation

4.5.1. Rehabilitation, Carciac Conditioning, Cardiopulmonary

4.6. Secondary prevention