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Mac by Mind Map: Mac

1. Mobile

1.1. SMS

1.2. MMS

1.3. Ifunny

1.4. Flashlight

1.5. Draw Something

1.6. Angry Birds

1.7. Barcode Scanner

1.8. Camera

1.9. Calling

1.10. Temple Run

2. Social Networks

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Twitter

2.2.1. New node

3. News


3.2. Nbc

4. School

4.1. PowerSchool

4.1.1. Sub Idea 1

4.1.2. Sub Idea 2

4.2. Moodle

4.3. Gmail

4.4. Google

4.5. Google Docs

5. Shopping

5.1. Itunes store

5.1.1. Goal 1

5.1.2. Goal 2

5.2. App Store

5.2.1. Session Rule 1

5.2.2. Session Rule 2

5.3. Amazon

6. Entertainment

6.1. Direct Tv

6.2. Youtube

6.3. Hulu

6.4. Ipod

6.5. ifunny

6.6. Skype

6.7. Words with friends

6.8. Itunes