Introduction to New Media

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Introduction to New Media da Mind Map: Introduction to  New Media

1. Media

1.1. "The Media"

1.1.1. Production

1.1.2. Distribution

1.1.3. Presentation

1.2. Modality

1.2.1. Audio

1.2.2. Image

1.2.3. Text

1.2.4. time

1.3. Form

1.3.1. Photograph

1.3.2. Video

1.3.3. Vinyl

1.3.4. Paint

1.3.5. Virtual reality

1.3.6. Podcast

1.3.7. Text

1.3.8. Narrative

1.4. Delivery method

1.4.1. Phone

1.4.2. Internet

1.4.3. Store

1.4.4. Projector

1.4.5. Speech

1.4.6. Software tool

1.5. Communication method

1.5.1. Journalism

1.5.2. Commerce

1.5.3. Collaboration

1.5.4. Speech

1.5.5. Landscape

1.6. AKA

1.6.1. Information and communicatino technology

1.6.2. Digital Media

1.6.3. Multimedia

1.6.4. The Internet

2. New

2.1. Technology

2.1.1. Gadgets

2.1.2. Technologies

2.2. Culture

2.2.1. Ways of living

2.2.2. Art forms

2.2.3. Ways of communication

2.3. Production

2.3.1. Remediation

2.3.2. Old media reborn The book The poem Movies

2.3.3. Consumer / Producer

2.3.4. New ways of controlling

2.3.5. New ways of resisting

2.4. Distribution

2.4.1. Internet

2.4.2. Ownership

2.4.3. Fair use

2.4.4. Copy

2.4.5. Mediation

2.5. People

2.5.1. Identity

2.5.2. Ability

2.5.3. Community

2.5.4. Cyborg

3. The Module

3.1. Goals: Understanding & awareness

3.1.1. key terms

3.1.2. issues of production/design & reception, copyright & ownership impact & access extent and style of interactivity

3.1.3. the range and variety of approaches

3.1.4. how cultural and creative norms and assumptions influence judgement and evaluation

3.2. Assessment

3.2.1. Presentations Yours Others

3.2.2. Essays

3.3. Structure

3.3.1. Lectures

3.3.2. Seminars

3.3.3. Personal research

3.3.4. Reading

3.4. Roles

3.4.1. Students

3.4.2. Lecturers