Video 1: What is Open Access?

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Video 1: What is Open Access? by Mind Map: Video 1: What is Open Access?

1. Find out more

1.1. Watch other videos in this series

1.2. Website/FAQ

1.3. Ask your Subject Librarian

2. Open Access to ?

2.1. Journals

2.2. Textbooks

2.3. Courseware

2.4. Data

2.5. Software

3. OA eJournals

3.1. Overview

3.1.1. Quality Control

3.1.2. Legal Framework

3.2. DOAJ

4. Definition

4.1. online

4.2. free to end-user

4.3. no financial, legal, or technical barriers to access & use

5. Advantages of OA eJournals

5.1. Openness

5.2. Fast Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge

5.3. High Visibility

5.4. Internationalisation