
Provides an overview of the sales process, and which actions need to take place

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ana by Mind Map: ana

1. aaaa

1.1. Price

1.2. Conditions

1.3. Deal to be signed

2. Negotiation

2.1. anisp

2.2. care culo

2.3. Conditions

2.4. Meeting

3. Proposal

3.1. Offer

3.2. Budget

3.3. Timeframe

4. Nuevo nodo

4.1. Nuevo nodo

4.1.1. Nuevo nodo

4.2. Nuevo nodo

5. Initial Contact

5.1. Dr. John Demo

5.1.1. E-Mail

5.1.2. Phone

5.2. Dr. Jane Demo

5.2.1. E-Mail

5.2.2. Phone


6.1. BANT Mind Meister

6.1.1. Budget

6.1.2. Authority

6.1.3. Need

6.1.4. Timeframe

6.2. BANT History View

6.2.1. Budget

6.2.2. Authority

6.2.3. Need

6.2.4. Timeframe

7. Investigation

7.1. Best BANT

7.1.1. Dr. Johny Appleseed

7.1.2. Reasons

7.2. needs