NRC - Style Guide

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NRC - Style Guide af Mind Map: NRC - Style Guide

1. Capitalization

1.1. Only the first letter of the first word

2. Abbreviations

2.1. end in period

3. Quotation Marks

3.1. Use curly quotes (“ ”)

4. Headings

4.1. Use nouns

4.1.1. avoid gerunds

4.2. Spanish capitalization

5. Bullets

5.1. Full sentences: begin with a capital letter, end with a period

5.2. Else, begin each with a capital letter, do not use a periodat the end

6. Numerals

6.1. Thousand separator: . Decimal separator: ,

6.2. Percentage: number%

6.3. 0-9 in letters

6.4. #

6.4.1. N.°, n.°

7. Spacing

7.1. Avoid double-spacing

8. Acronyms

8.1. use Spanish acronyms

8.2. expanded acronym + (ACRONYM) -1st time only-

9. Resources & References

9.1. DNT source names

10. Drugs

10.1. Translate all drug names who have an Spanish equivalent

10.2. Use the generic drug name when a brand name is not available in Spanish