WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY- thoughts before and thoughts after

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WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY- thoughts before and thoughts after por Mind Map: WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY- thoughts before and thoughts after

1. People are more focused on the way things look rather than the way information can be provided.

2. The word technology came from the Greek origin in the early 17th century. Putting words together to create this.

3. Art and ology means to do the study of. Nothing to do with technology (two words to create the word technology in the early 17th century. (Buchanan, 2019)

4. Something I found interesting in this module was the two components and that is more of the physical appearance and the informational component.

5. Before the first module I was under the impression of technology being the same thing as electronics. For example; cellphones, laptops etc.

6. Going through the readings and seeing other peoples definitions and understandings of technology I now understand its more of the features of things, and the way things work to create.

7. Throughout years of technology expanding and growing it has developed a lot as electronics and the world alone has become more advanced.

8. REFERENCES: Buchanan, R. (2019, October 20). History of technology. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from history of technology | Summary & Facts