Securix control script

Securix GNU/Linux control script mind map

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Securix control script by Mind Map: Securix control script

1. User

1.1. Add

1.2. Remove

1.3. Kick

1.4. Check

1.5. Modify

2. Role

2.1. Auth server

2.2. Backup server

2.3. Binary package server

2.4. Certificate Authority

2.5. Cluster member

2.6. Database

2.7. DHCP

2.8. DNS

2.9. File server

2.10. FTP

2.11. IDS/IPS

2.12. Mail server

2.13. Monitoring (infrastructure)

2.14. Network security scanner

2.15. Reverse proxy

2.16. Scponly

2.17. Syslog central collector

2.18. VPN gateway

2.19. VoIP

2.20. Webserver

3. Info

3.1. emerge --info

3.2. Securix version

3.3. dmidecode

3.4. sysctl -a

3.5. df

4. Patch

4.1. Check

4.2. File

5. Install

5.1. $service

5.2. GLSA

6. Status

6.1. Updates available

6.2. Message from motd

6.3. Affected GLSAs

6.4. Monitor alerts

6.5. Suspicious logs

7. Monitor

7.1. Exception

7.1.1. $file

7.2. Service

7.2.1. Add

7.2.2. Remove

7.3. Status

8. Config

8.1. Backup

8.1.1. Files/directories

8.1.2. Partitions/LVM

8.1.3. Databases

8.2. Bonding

8.3. Certificate

8.3.1. Add SSL CA

8.3.2. Generate

8.3.3. CSR

8.4. Firewall

8.4.1. Allow

8.4.2. Delete

8.4.3. List

8.5. Grub (password)

8.6. Grsec

8.7. LUKS

8.8. LVM

8.9. Mail (forwarding)

8.10. Mirror

8.11. Remote syslog

8.12. Timezone

8.13. Webproxy

9. Check

9.1. System

9.1.1. XCCDF + OVAL scripts


9.1.3. rkhunter

9.1.4. paxtest

10. Update

10.1. System

10.1.1. emerge -uD world

10.1.2. revdep-rebuild

10.1.3. dispatch-conf

10.2. Kernel

10.2.1. Genkernel

10.2.2. Grub setup

10.3. Securix

10.3.1. Check version

10.3.2. Download package

10.3.3. Check signed package

10.3.4. Make backup of files

10.3.5. Update files

10.3.6. Post install commands

10.4. All

10.4.1. Securix

10.4.2. System

10.4.3. Kernel

10.5. config

10.5.1. $file (update system conf to recent version)

11. Firewall

11.1. Status

11.2. Add rule

11.3. Remove rule

11.4. Lock