Cell Phone and Wireless Device Use and Regulation in the Classroom

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Cell Phone and Wireless Device Use and Regulation in the Classroom por Mind Map: Cell Phone and Wireless Device Use and Regulation in the Classroom

1. Intoduction

1.1. Text Dialogue about how boring the class lecture is with a friend.

1.2. Post the issue of wireless devices in the classroom, how they should be used and discuss the device regulation debate.

2. Media Tools for this Project

2.1. VuVox Collage or Studio

2.2. Frontline

2.3. Youtube

2.4. Personal Interviews

2.5. Scholarly Articles

2.6. Flip Camera from the Library

2.7. iPod

2.8. Droid

2.9. Tube chop

3. Computers, Cell Phones and Wireless Devices as Learning Tools

3.1. 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education (Youtube)

3.2. Cell Phones in the Classroom: Learning Tools for the 21st Century (Youtube)

3.3. Cell Phones as Learning Tools (Youtube)

3.4. Schools Blend Computers with Classroom Learning (NPR)

3.4.1. Low budgets lead to cutting teachers and out of schools programs- leading to computers taking the place of teachers to bring in the small classroom feel without hiring more teachers.

3.5. Shop Class Computing

3.5.1. What are the different parts of a computer. How to install and fix a hardrive. Not just learn how to use a computer program, but how to create one.

3.6. Personal Interviews

4. 21st Century Learning

4.1. Education 2.0 (Frontline)

4.1.1. "Learning happens outside the classroom. School is where you get your credential. It's in the Past."

4.2. School: There's an App for That? (Frontline)

4.2.1. "Students may lose other things but not their phones. They are with them 24/7. Why not deliver content in a more systemis way? Why not teach our students how to use these devices instead of them sitting there?"

4.3. Room for Improvement (Frontline)

4.3.1. U.S. surpassed by other countries in technology. Been surpassed in education (used to have the highest percentage of college graduates). Educate to build Economy. Extending the "learning time" not just the school day. The Most Wired Place on Earth: South Korea Problem of distraction and addiction to technology.

4.4. Old School, New School (Frontline)

4.4.1. "Chatham High School students are increasingly surrounded by screens. Their teachers debate how to handle their split focus."

4.5. The Touchy-Feely Future of Technology (NPR)

4.5.1. Tablets and iPad Sales +1 Billion. iPad sales have quadrupled. More than 2,300 Schools Districts nationwide have iPad programs. Schools are just starting to discover their potential. Tablets, touch screens, and smartphones are so much a part of us it's worrying. They are an extension of us which makes it less shocking to text in class.

4.6. Personal Interviews

5. Acheivement Gap with Technology

5.1. The New Digital Divide (Frontline)

5.1.1. Arnie Duncan (Secretary of Education): Opportunity Gap- certain areas are lacking certain technology, lacking teachers who know how to use the technology, and don't have out of school learning oppotunities. "Great opportunity gaps leads to the Acheivement Gap." School is not an "oasis" for these underprivelaged students, but as a place of opportunity.