Planning for Milestone Reports

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Planning for Milestone Reports 作者: Mind Map: Planning for Milestone Reports

1. How do we do this?

2. What is available?

3. Who do we gather data from?

3.1. Teachers

3.2. Children

3.3. Principals

3.3.1. Leading learning

3.4. community

4. What does data say about the success of the programme implementation?

5. Learning@School

5.1. Key messages

5.2. Succinct

5.3. So what...where to from here?

5.4. Thoughts changed?

5.5. Practice changed?

5.6. Transference of learning

6. Lines up goals with workshops

6.1. Meetings prior to conferences for collaborative planning

7. Ulearn

8. What constitutes data?

8.1. Quantitative

8.1.1. Surveys, rating scales

8.2. Qualitative

8.2.1. Quotes, anecdotal,

9. Ministry

10. a. What progress has been made towards achieving these goals? b. What evidence supports this? c. What are the key lessons for the cluster? d. What are the next steps towards achieving the outcome?

11. Who is our audience?

11.1. Us, Our Principals, Our Schools, Our BoT

11.1.1. New node

12. What issues might arise?

12.1. Writing to non performing schools

13. Why do we write them?

14. What does data say about progress towards our goals?

15. EPS

16. Evidence of Best Practice

16.1. Meeting Cluster goals

17. Ministry requirement

18. New node