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Theoretical perspectives by Mind Map: Theoretical perspectives

1. Behaviorist

1.1. Learns semantic, syntactic and morphemic language through nuture. Learning occurs when stimuli, responses, and reinforcements occur in the environment. A child is considered a "blank slate" and learns language from repetition and reinforcement through operant conditioning.

1.1.1. Theorist B. F. Skinner

2. Interactionist

2.1. Learns pragmatic language through nurture. A child learns language through communicating with others around them. Language occurs out of a need for social interactions to gain understanding of society.

2.1.1. Theorist Lev Vygotsky, Bruner and Halliday

3. Nativist

3.1. Learns syntactic language through nature. Language is inherited and eveyone has the ability to learn language due to cognitive abilities.

3.1.1. Theorist Noam Chomsky

4. Cognitive Developmentalist

4.1. Learns semantic and morphemic language through nature. Language occurs during maturation and cognitive competencies begin to develop establishing the foundation for learning language. A child's understanding of language comes from learning through experiences and activities within their environment.

4.1.1. Theorist Jean Piaget