Customer's experience when chasing an order

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Customer's experience when chasing an order por Mind Map: Customer's experience when chasing an order

1. What is customer's emotional state?

1.1. New node

1.1.1. New node New node

2. Share Best Practices (what people, process and technology aspects could be improved to deliver memorable customer experience)

2.1. People

2.2. Process

2.3. Technology

2.4. Quick Wins

2.5. Strategy

3. Discussion Feed

4. Upload and Share Youtube Videos

5. Upload and Share Documents and Illustrations

6. Describe steps for customer journey

6.1. Awareness: Customer is made aware of the promotion or offer

6.1.1. Evaluation: Customer is empowered/allowed to evaluate the offer New node

7. Mapping Customer Journeys

8. What does customer need to do?

8.1. New node

8.1.1. New node New node

9. What does business need to do?

9.1. New node

9.1.1. New node New node

10. Who's responsible within the business?

10.1. New node

10.1.1. New node New node

11. Is this a moment of truth?

11.1. New node

11.1.1. New node New node

12. What impact does this have on the business?

12.1. New node

12.1.1. New node New node