Chapter 4: No time for childhood

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Chapter 4: No time for childhood par Mind Map: Chapter 4: No time for childhood

1. A visit with Pedro Paulo at Ilha Grande Prison

1.1. Prison is also known as the Devils Cauldron

1.1.1. Goldstein was called, Neguinha, which means 'blackie Once Goldstein met Pedro Paulo, she was introduced as, Filha branch, which means white daughter Pedro Paulo was a fan of reggae music, enjoyed the music but also enjoyed the politics of reggae music. Described as a young energetic man filled with anger Paulo told his girlfriend that if she were to have an abortion he would have to kill her. Paulo believed that the man was responsible for providing and putting food on the table, as long as a man can take care of those needs, then he can have many women.

2. Gloria's perspective on Pedro Paulo

2.1. Gloria stated that Paulo witnessed her generation slave away as domestic workers; he felt that the system had cheated him.

2.2. Gloria tried to understand why her first born became a 'marginal' which means criminal.

2.2.1. Gloria felt she was at a loss with Paulo, she felt like a failure

3. The Killing Streets

3.1. Social Segregation is viewed as a tool to keep the middle and upper class safe from the lower class violence.

3.1.1. Teresa Caldeira argues that, "social segregation and a construction of a 'city of walls' have legitimized private and illegal reactions. Example: Organization of death squads killing street children

4. Home Children, Street Children and Institutionalized Children

4.1. Children are contributors the violence because they are often recruited to do the dirty work of organized urban favela groups

4.1.1. Middle and Upper class Brazilians view the lower class children as a nuisance Nurtured Children:are coddled in Middle class families. Nurturing children: lower class children that have to serious responsibilities as a young age. Mothers in favelas fear that there children will end up on the street

5. Mirelli's Story

5.1. Mirelli was Gloria's favorite goddaughter

5.1.1. Both parents were alcoholics Mirelli feels that she never experienced a childhood. Mirelli and her sister slept on the streets Once she left the FUNABEM, she was around 14 and started having her own children.

6. Everyday life of Children

6.1. Gloria wanted her adopted 11 children and Zezinho's children to go to school, do chores around the house, stay out of trouble and bathe.

6.1.1. Gloria was very strict with the children, she may consider her abusive.

7. Throwing out onto the Streets

7.1. Gloria would throw children out in the street

7.1.1. Gloria ran her house not tolerating any disobedience Live with the notion that with hard work, anything can be accomplished.

8. Eating shit in a favela

8.1. Gloria was afraid that one of her male children would be at the wrong place at the wrong time

8.1.1. When her children would leave the home with dirty clothes, she did not want them to be considered street children

9. Protection of Children

9.1. Gloria feared Dilamr, head gang member of favela, she feared he would make his children go down the wrong path

9.1.1. She wanted her children to work 'honestly' and to stay safe and stay out of jail