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Pitch mindmap by Mind Map: Pitch mindmap

1. Situation now

1.1. Strategy

1.2. Content

1.3. Links

1.4. Architecture

1.5. Social

2. What could be done

2.1. Strategy

2.2. Content

2.3. Links

2.4. Architecture

2.5. Social

3. Numbers

3.1. Traffic

3.1.1. Organic

3.1.2. Social

3.2. Conversions

3.3. revenue

4. 6 months plan of action

4.1. Month1

4.1.1. Content

4.1.2. Strategy

4.1.3. Links

4.1.4. Architecture

4.1.5. Social

4.2. Month2

4.2.1. Strategy

4.2.2. Content

4.2.3. Links

4.2.4. Architecture

4.2.5. Social

4.3. Month3

4.3.1. Strategy

4.3.2. Content

4.3.3. Links

4.3.4. Architecture

4.3.5. Social

4.4. Month4

4.4.1. Strategy

4.4.2. Content

4.4.3. Links

4.4.4. Architecture

4.4.5. Social

4.5. Month5

4.5.1. Strategy

4.5.2. Content

4.5.3. Links

4.5.4. Architecture

4.5.5. Social

4.6. Month6

4.6.1. Strategy

4.6.2. Content

4.6.3. Links

4.6.4. Architecture

4.6.5. Social

5. Resources needed

5.1. People

5.2. Equipment

5.3. Money

5.4. Time

6. Pricing


7.1. Strength

7.2. Weaknesses

7.3. Opportunities

7.4. Threats