by brandon lyons
1. Step One: Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment
1.1. • Referral procedures vary between school districts. • Referrals typically made by families, agencies, physicians, teachers or other school professionals. • A team meets to process referral. • Team organizes and considers students; personal information, medical data, use of current technologies, information about any related services received.
2. Step Two: Conducting and Assistive Technology Assessment
2.1. • Assessments use information gained through student records and formal and informal observations. • Conducted by AT specialists with aid of the referring team. • Observations consider; cognitive skills, use of AT devices, sensory skills, motor skills, communication and social skills. Independent living and vocational performance considered for older students. • Family assessments done to assess younger students. • Use interviews to obtain information about specific areas of interest; family concerns and expectations, needs and abilities of students, academic expectations, diagnostic information and medical information. • Information assembled and presented to IEP Team.
3. Step Three: The Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team
3.1. • Team selects and implements AT for students based off of the information gathered and presented by the AT specialist. • Considers students learning goals and effectiveness of AT ability to help students access the curriculum. • Considers training needs for students • Considers training needs for people assisting students • Research AT devices • Conduct trials on AT devices
4. Step Four: Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device
4.1. New• Conduct short-term assistance and monitoring to determine if device meets intended function and use correctly • Parents, teachers and students receive support from IEP team and service personnel. • Service personnel include; AT specialists, speech therapist, occupational therapist and physical therapist. • Special education teacher helps to ensure students are supported and become successful learners. • Teachers and service personnel use the Ongoing Assessment Assistive Technology Checklist. node