Tufail Shahzad

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Tufail Shahzad by Mind Map: Tufail Shahzad

1. Social Media Marketing

1.1. Facebook Profile Marketing

1.2. Facebook Fan Page Marketing

1.3. Twitter Marketing

1.4. LinkedIn Marketing

1.5. Google+ Marketing

1.6. YouTube Marketing

1.7. Checkout My Kout Score http://klout.com/#/Tufee

1.8. Social Media Marketing Plan

1.9. Social Bookmarkig

2. Search Engine Optimization

2.1. On-Page Optimization

2.2. Off-Page Optimization

2.3. Backlinking

2.4. Keyword Research

2.5. Google Web Design

2.6. Local SEO

2.7. Google Local

2.8. Bing Local

3. Bookkeeping

3.1. QuickBooks

3.2. MYOB

4. Analytics & Webmaster

4.1. Google Analytcis

4.2. Google Webmaster

4.3. Bing Wemaster

4.4. Google Apps

5. Admin Assistance

5.1. Web Research

5.2. Calendar

6. PDF Services

7. Other Services

8. Hire & Connect with Me

8.1. Virtual Assistant

8.2. Facebook

8.3. Google+