Bacteria/viruses & humans

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Bacteria/viruses & humans 저자: Mind Map: Bacteria/viruses & humans

1. Humans & Drugs

1.1. Humans - create new drugs

1.1.1. Penicillin kills bacteria

1.2. Drugs - become stronger when viruses adapt

1.2.1. Tuberculosis

1.2.2. bubonic plague

1.2.3. Influenza

1.2.4. Chalara

1.3. In the US nearly half of the drugs are unnecessary prescribed or wrong

1.3.1. Missuse and over use of antiobiotics = very dangerous

1.4. Multi drug resistence is a man - made problem

2. Predator vs. Prey

2.1. Newt vs Gardener Snake

2.1.1. Newt - very poisonus skin toxins

2.1.2. Garderner Snake - adapted to poison toxins

2.1.3. The Gardener snakes resistence to the newts toxins causes the newts to become more toxic which causes the gardener snakes to form a stronger resistence

2.2. Cheetah vs Deer

2.2.1. Both the deer and cheetah evolved over time and both became faster.

2.3. Bacteria vs Humans

2.3.1. Humans create drugs while bacteria becomes more resistent to the drugs Drugs become stronger and viruses become more resistent

2.3.2. Many mutations that are keeping the viruses from winning

2.3.3. so many prescriptions will become drug resistent and soon bacteria will become untreatable

3. Evolution

3.1. Problem (multi drug restistence) but it can also be a solution

3.1.1. Scientists can try to evolve bacteria to become less harmful

3.2. Toxins can become more or less toxic

3.2.1. Evolved bacteria, like wolves to dogs

4. Life Cycle

4.1. Bacteria

4.1.1. reproduce million times faster than humnas

4.1.2. There is good bacteria and Bad bacteria