The Top-Ten Conspiracy Theories

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The Top-Ten Conspiracy Theories por Mind Map: The Top-Ten Conspiracy Theories

1. 6

1.1. Cover-Up Of Alien Technology Research at Area 51

1.1.1. 3.56%

2. 5

2.1. The Collapse of the Global Economy Was A Controlled Demolition

2.1.1. 3.88%

3. 4

3.1. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

3.1.1. 6.10%

4. 3

4.1. The Attacks on September 11, 2001

5. 2

5.1. Cover-Up of Extraterrestrial Visitation and Their Space Craft

5.1.1. 19.28% of combined votes

6. 1

6.1. The Secret Cabals Working Toward a Global One-World Government

6.1.1. 22.07%

7. Survey Methodology

7.1. Link to actual survey data.

8. 10

8.1. The United States Shadow Government

8.1.1. 2.60% of all votes

9. 9

9.1. Organized Religion

9.1.1. 2.90%

10. 8

10.1. The Suppression of Alternative And Free Energy Sources

10.1.1. 2.99% of all votes

11. 7

11.1. A Significant Global Catastrophe Will Happen In December, 2012

11.1.1. 3.55%

12. To provide your input on one of the other 25 conspiracy theories included in the poll that didn't make into the top-ten, please use this thread.