Video Production

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Video Production by Mind Map: Video Production

1. Production - The production phase is the identification and creation of all the individual elements that will be seen and heard in the video. Each element is motivated by the research and analysis done during the pre-production phase. These elements, known as media assets, include items such as graphics, photography, animation, music, sound effects, narration, and video footage.

1.1. Title - What are you going to present? Decide on a name that will spark interest and curiosity

1.2. Filming/Audio Manipulation - Go over your storyboard and written procedures or script before shooting. Set up your props and equipment needed. Do a walk-through before you actually make a video-rehearse first. Check your lighting; shoot some preliminary footage to double check your lighting and sound. Begin recording your instructional video. Get a volunteer if you need the camera to be mobile or you need two cameras (from different angles) on you while you go through the procedures to make a video. Watch out for background noises and visual disruptions as well as other interruptions. Make sure your steps are clear, precise and understandable for instruction, and viewers can hear and see the procedures and step activities well. Refrain from recording too hot or loud; you can always adjust the sound after recording, but don't record too low either. Have some sound to work with when you complete your video. Record in scenes or segments if you make a video that is relatively long. Shoot on a schedule if your video is long and can't be completed in an hour or two.

1.3. Special Effects - The use of special effects and graphics in movies is revolutionizing not only the visuals that you see, but also the kind of videos that can be produced. Including some of these types of images in a video can be very engaging to students. For example, if a student completes a problem correctly, the result could be some type of special effect which appears on a screen. The student might work hard to achieve the result. Most of these special effects are produced by computer, combining the ability to capture pictures digitally, allowing relatively easy manipulation of the element of each frame.

2. Post Production - This stage takes all of the different elements created in the production phase and brings them together. Post production occurs during the time after the filming has stopped.

2.1. Packaging - The video that is created needs to be combined somehow. A Video Publishing and Management Platform is a complex software system used to create, edit, host, play, manage, organize, publish, stream and distribute online video according to consistent rules. Video publishing and management platforms are frequently used for storing, controlling, versioning, publishing and distributing video assets of all types. Choosing the correct platform to use involves many factors including cost and what level of involvement needed during production.

2.2. Editing - This process of assembling the media assets to form the final video is known as editing. Editing involves the videos, picture and sound. In the initial phase a rough cut can be shown for approval. Typically, at this point a number of changes will be made. An important part of the creative process is trying out many creative possibilities. Hours can be spent on just a few minutes, or even a few seconds, of a production. Once the major decisions are made, the video that is generated can be taken to editing personnel skilled in color balancing scenes, audio sweetening, smoothing out transitions, visual effects, etc., to put together the final version of the production. The original footage is typically used in this final phase to insure the highest quality.

3. Pre-production can be thought of as the problem-solving stage. That is, specifically identifying and delineating why you believe you need a video in the first place. What problems will the video help to solve? During this stage, you're organizing everything so that the production phase goes smoothly. Pre-production starts out with planning and identifying the goals and objectives of your video. Your target audience needs to be identified and scrutinized. This is of key importance, as everything from here on out should be done with your specific audience in mind. As teachers this would be the specific grade level and subject we are teaching.

3.1. Planning-A key aspect of effective creating is having a plan for what will happen in the video you want to create. Creating such a plan involves setting realistic goals, deciding how to incorporate information and other required materials, and developing activities that will lead to a successful end product. This is much like creating a lesson plan. You need to start by focusing with the end in mind and figure out the best way to get there.

3.2. Scripting - The most important part of the pre-production process is the script. Script writing for video serves as a plan for the actual production work. This is the part of the lesson plan where the teacher decides specifics about what to include in the lesson. What will be used as a hook, what ties in preexisting knowledge, where to begin, and what is the end goal for the lesson?

3.3. Storyboarding - A story board is a way to visually display and overview information and generates a plan of action. Most importantly, the storyboard provides a simple means of understanding the relation of 1 element to the overall lesson and how various ideas from the lesson can become interconnected. Design a storyboard using drawings or photos of what you want to videotape. Write down the procedures to go along with the pictures.

4. References - a Digital dreamer. (2012). Making of Special effects in Movies. Retrieved from a Digital Dreamer: Annabel. (2010). The Different Steps Involved with Video Production Editing. Retrieved from Cyber College. (2012). Video Production Editing. Retrieved from Cyber College: eHow. (2012). How to Make an Instructional Video. Retrieved from eHow: Jr., V. E. (2005). Using Storyboards in online course design. Retrieved from Univ of Illinois Outreach and Public Service: ReelVideo. (2012). Video Production. Retrieved from ReelSEO: Wright Edu. (2012). The Three Phase Approach to Video Production. Retrieved from The Three Phase Approach to Video Production: