The Fun They Had

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The Fun They Had by Mind Map: The Fun They Had

1. Telebooks

1.1. Electronic

1.2. can have tens of books

1.3. read on a screeen

1.4. words 'move'[

2. Tommy

2.1. Found a 'real' bookin his attic

2.2. knew about 'old schools' centuries ago

3. School-2157

3.1. At home

3.1.1. personalized learning

3.1.2. one to one

3.1.3. private

3.2. Mechanical Teacher

3.2.1. big

3.2.2. programmed to just teach and conduct tests

3.2.3. has a huge screen for questions

4. story by Isacc Asimov

5. margie

5.1. May 17 wrote:Tommy found a 'real' book

5.2. the children went together

5.3. shouted together

5.4. helped each other in homework

5.5. the fun the children had

6. 'Real Books'

6.1. paper

6.2. really old

6.3. words were still

6.4. crinly and yellow

7. old schools

7.1. centuries ago

7.2. children went to a building together

7.3. teachers were people not machines

7.4. there were many kids