Education Group Project Template

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Education Group Project Template por Mind Map: Education Group Project Template

1. Timeline

1.1. 20.10.2020 All members read Case Study

1.2. 21.10.2020. Assign tasks to each team member

1.3. 22.10.2020. Each team member brainstorms and sketches ideas

1.4. 23.10.2020. Finalizing project content

1.5. 24.10.2020. Preparing and practicing presentation

1.6. 25.10.2020. Final presentation of project

1.7. 26.10.2020. Uploading content and report

2. Problems

2.1. Disagreements

2.2. Low Motivation

2.3. Lack of Resources

2.4. Time Constraints

2.5. Inaccurate Data

3. Solutions

3.1. Ensure smooth communication through daily catch-ups and sprint meetings

3.2. Develop group motivation through common goal and assigning topics related to the person's interest

3.3. Dedicating a team-member to finding the most accurate and relevant data and resources

3.4. Establishing a timeline and schedule with the team members' responsibilities

3.5. Allocating time to proofread everything and using accurate referencing

4. Team Members

4.1. Barbara

4.1.1. market researcher

4.2. Alina

4.2.1. data analyst

4.3. Florian

4.3.1. marketing expert

4.4. Daniel

4.4.1. international strategies expert

5. Objective

5.1. Prepare a well developed, comprehensive analysis and presentation of the Company's entry into a new market

6. Resources

6.1. website articles

6.2. case study on company

6.3. course material

6.4. listed book recommendations

6.5. online journals

7. Phases

7.1. Case Analysis

7.2. Market Research

7.3. Company Analysis

7.3.1. SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities

7.3.2. Porter`s Five Forces Competitive Rivalry Supplier Power Buyer Power Threat of New Entry Threat of Substitution

7.3.3. 4Ps Product Place Prie Promotion

7.4. Recommendation

8. Responsibilities

8.1. Prepare PESTEL analysis

8.1.1. Barbara

8.2. Prepare SWOT analysis

8.2.1. Daniel

8.3. Prepare Porter`s Five Forces

8.3.1. Daniel

8.4. Prepare 4P`s

8.4.1. Florian

8.5. Prepare presentation

8.5.1. Florian

8.6. Prepare report

8.6.1. Alina

8.7. Analyze competitors

8.7.1. Alina

8.8. Upload project

8.8.1. Barbara