Theoretical Perspective

Description of four theoretical language perspectives

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Theoretical Perspective by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective

1. Behavorist (nurture)

1.1. Developed by B.F. Skinner

1.1.1. Recruit Project Sponsor

1.1.2. Recruit Project Manager

1.1.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned

1.1.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan

1.1.5. Brief the Initial Project Team

1.1.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map

1.1.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting

1.2. Considers learning to occur based on the stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment.

1.2.1. Establish Project Objective

1.2.2. Establish Project Scope

1.2.3. Map Requirements

1.2.4. Map Solution

1.2.5. Map Training Requirement

1.2.6. Review Project Scope

1.3. Language is taught through situations in which children are encouraged to imitate speech and develop associations between words and objects.

1.3.1. Determine Project Approach, Stages and Steps

1.3.2. Estimate Project Duration

1.3.3. Establish Resource Requirements

1.3.4. Prepare Project Schedule and Budget

1.3.5. Prepare Work breakdown structure

1.3.6. Document Success Criteria

1.3.7. Review Project Schedule

1.4. Focuses on the acquisition of semantic, syntactic, and morphemic language knowledge.

1.4.1. Identify Project Resources

1.4.2. Recruit Project Steering Committee

1.4.3. Recruit Project Coordinators

1.4.4. Identify / Recruit Key Stakeholders

1.4.5. Determine Training Requirements

1.4.6. Map the Project Organization Chart

1.4.7. Review Project Organization

1.5. Learning occurs through operant conditioning in which children gain reinforcement through attention, repetition, and approval.

1.5.1. Establish Project Administration Procedures

1.5.2. Establish Quality Control Procedures

1.5.3. Establish Progress Control Procedures

1.5.4. Establish Change Control Procedures

1.5.5. Establish Issue Resolution Procedure

1.5.6. Review Project Control Procedures

1.6. A child's environment play's a key role in their language development.

1.6.1. Estimate Project Costs

1.6.2. Identify and Quantify Benefits

1.6.3. Determine Break-even Point

1.6.4. Analyze Risk

1.6.5. Review Business Case

2. Interactionist (nurture)

2.1. Vygotsky, Bruner, & Halliday are the major contributors.

2.2. Focuses on the primary role of sociocultural interaction in children's development of language knowledge.

2.3. Children learn language as they communicate with the world around them,

2.4. Focuses on the acquisition of pragmatic language knowledge.

2.5. Builds upon the other three theoretical perspectives.

2.5.1. Behaviorism's recognition of the environment's responses to young children's communicative attempts

3. Nativist (nature)

3.1. Developed by Linguist Noam Chomsky

3.1.1. Establish checkpoints

3.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

3.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

3.2. Emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities as being responsible for language development

3.2.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

3.2.2. Schedule Meetings

3.2.3. Brief Project Board

3.2.4. Prepare Meetings

3.2.5. Conduct Meetings

3.2.6. Follow-up Meeting

3.3. Focuses on the acquisition of syntactic knowledge

3.3.1. Schedule Quality Review Meeting

3.3.2. Prepare for Quality Review Meeting

3.3.3. Conduct Quality Review Meeting

3.3.4. Follow-up Quality Review Meeting

3.4. Children learn language by discovering the structure of their language.

3.4.1. Update Project Schedule

3.4.2. Update Budget / Costs

3.4.3. Conduct Team Status Review

3.4.4. Create Status Report

3.5. Children are active members in learning their own language.

3.5.1. Request Changes

3.5.2. Identify Alternative Solutions

3.5.3. Conduct Steering Committee Meeting

3.5.4. Document Change Responses

3.5.5. Implement Change(s)

4. Cognitive Developmentalist (nature)

4.1. Based on the work of Jean Piaget

4.1.1. Prepare Product Evaluation

4.1.2. Conduct Product Evaluation

4.1.3. Initiate Maintenance Process

4.2. Emphasis is placed on the idea that language is acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop.

4.2.1. Prepare for Project Closure Meeting

4.2.2. Conduct Project Closure Meeting

4.2.3. Follow Up Project Closure Meeting

4.3. Assumes that cognitive development is a prerequisite and foundation for language learning.

4.3.1. Prepare Project Review

4.3.2. Conduct Project Review

4.3.3. Implement Process Improvement

4.4. Focuses on the acquisition of semantic and morphemic language knowledge.

4.5. As children develop cognitively their speech becomes socialized and reflective of more logical thinking.