Copy of Mobile Drink Vehicle (Name TBA)

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Copy of Mobile Drink Vehicle (Name TBA) by Mind Map: Copy of Mobile Drink Vehicle   (Name TBA)

1. Professional Advice

1.1. Shire rules and regulations

1.2. Other business operators/owners

1.3. Banks

2. SWOT analysis

2.1. Strengths of our business and our competitors

2.2. Weakness of our business and our competitors

2.3. Opportunitiies in our market

2.4. Threats against our business and profit

3. Snack Foods

3.1. Non-Perishables

3.1.1. Chips, Nuts

3.1.2. Confectionary

3.2. Perishables

3.2.1. Selection of Peters Icecreams

4. Sponsors

4.1. Work with SLS

4.2. Coca Cola

4.3. Cancer Council

4.4. Smiths

4.5. Peters

5. Staff

5.1. Appropriate number of staff

5.2. Drivers license. Is 'C' class sufficient

5.2.1. New node

5.3. Enhanced customer service make us different from the rest

6. Seasons

6.1. Summer sales

6.2. Sale of 'travel' sized sun care products

7. Potential Competition

7.1. Other mobile vans

7.2. Coffee shops

7.3. Vending Machines

7.4. Competitiors Prices

7.5. Research Competition, find there strengths and weaknesses

8. Target Market

8.1. Beach users

8.2. Teenagers

8.3. Families

8.4. Summer market

9. Mobility

9.1. Different Locations within legislation

9.2. 500m away from other business'

9.3. Price to be mobile e.g fuel

9.4. Maintence of vehicle and equipment

10. Non-Alcoholic Beverages

10.1. Mocktails

10.2. Slushys

10.3. Plain Cold Drinks Coke, Water, Powerade

11. Australiana Themed

11.1. Decorated Vehicle

11.2. Australian music

12. Legislation

12.1. Shire Permits

12.2. Government Permits

12.3. Food Acts

12.4. Aquired Costs

12.5. Trading in a public place