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Jeffco Year 2 by Mind Map: Jeffco Year 2

1. Training and Professional Development

1.1. ToT Methods for beyond '12-'13

1.2. Mandatory trainings and meetings

1.2.1. Mechanism for gathering feedback

1.3. Teachback technique

1.4. Connections to published EBIs and other resources?

1.5. Content

1.5.1. Condom demos

1.5.2. Contraceptives w/ Dr. Byers

1.5.3. Refusal skills/roleplays

1.5.4. GLBT students

1.5.5. language

1.5.6. answering sensitive questions

1.5.7. Anatomy

1.6. Recruiting new teachers

1.7. Training on other skills

1.7.1. healthy relationships

1.7.2. drugs and alcohol

1.8. Timing/Format

1.8.1. skill/content based

1.8.2. after school hours

1.8.3. days/times/length

1.8.4. as a group or independent

1.8.5. in person/online/other techniques

1.9. Expectations/assuring quality delivery

1.9.1. Establishing 'fidelity' to the curriculum/program

1.10. Training/information to familiarize teachers with content of 5th and 7th grade programs

2. Policy

2.1. Possible Review

2.2. Building Sustainability

3. Community Buy-In Building

3.1. Mobilization plan

3.1.1. Community Meetings

3.2. Principal Cohorts

3.3. Support Materials

3.4. Meetings w/ Administration and Community Stakeholders

3.5. Board of Education

3.5.1. Post November?

3.5.2. Allies and Adversaries?

3.6. Meetings with parents

3.7. Involvement of SHAC

3.8. Curriculum Steering Committee (community members)

3.8.1. SHAC

3.8.2. Clergy

3.8.3. Parents

3.8.4. medical professionals

3.8.5. therapists/mental health professionals

3.8.6. peer leaders/school leaders

3.8.7. recruitment plan

3.8.8. include diversity of perspectives

4. Curriculum and Teching Materials

4.1. Connections to CDE standards

4.2. Review of materials used for '11-'12

4.3. Re-writing/edit of current curriculum

4.3.1. easier to follow

4.3.2. more scripting

4.3.3. integrate R/P factors, Behavior change, LM and goals

4.3.4. Team of teachers +? to re-write

4.4. Steering committee to review materials

4.5. Pedegogy

4.5.1. Roleplays

4.5.2. Powerpoint

4.5.3. games

4.5.4. worksheets

4.5.5. evidence informed

4.6. Models to Use

4.6.1. FLASH

4.6.2. 16 and Pregnant/National Campaign Materials

4.6.3. Reducing the Risk

4.6.4. TOP

4.6.5. Safer Choices

4.6.6. Project PAVE/Other community orgs for Healthy relationships and Drug/Alcohol content

4.7. Explicit connections to 5th and 7th grade programs

4.7.1. Collaborate w/ curriculum writers for 7th grade to create connections

4.8. HIV Positive speaker

4.9. Crossover with other subjects

4.10. Timing and Sequencing

4.10.1. 2 week sequence, cannot be broken up (10 50 minute periods)

4.10.2. Accomodations for block vs. traditional classes

4.10.3. where within larger curriculum plan - homeostasis explicit connections to other units within the curriculum

5. Evaluation and Data Collection

5.1. Community/Admin observation (as buy in building)

5.2. What else do we want to know?

5.3. Teacher feedback mechanism

5.3.1. survey monkey

5.3.2. in person?

5.4. Observation as training

5.5. Access to other data being collected

5.6. 11-12 data

5.7. New tools for 12-13

5.7.1. similar for comps

5.7.2. crafted to new materials

5.7.3. aligned with logic model and goals

6. Budget

6.1. Subs for training and PD days

6.2. WISE funding

6.3. Materials/curricula

6.4. CDE funding

6.4.1. limitations?

6.5. creating a budget and outlining roles (CYM/Jeffco)