CIS 105 2015

MindMap for Laurita's CIS105 class

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CIS 105 2015 by Mind Map: CIS 105 2015

1. Internet of Things

2. History of Computers

2.1. Difference Engine

2.2. Turing

2.3. Codetalkers

2.3.1. encryption

2.4. Grace Hopper

2.4.1. Bug, Nanoseconds

2.4.2. Compiler Programming - Visual Basic Button - Hello World

2.5. 5 Generations

2.5.1. Moore's Law

2.6. Singularity

3. Devices,Operating Systems, Ecosystems

3.1. Operating Systems

3.1.1. Microsoft

3.1.2. Apple

3.1.3. Linux

3.2. Devices

3.2.1. Tablets

3.2.2. Smartphones

3.2.3. Gaming

3.2.4. Notebooks

4. System Development

4.1. Traditional

4.1.1. Agile

4.2. 10 point compare & contrast table

5. Internet

5.1. OSI

5.1.1. Addressing IPv6 hexadecimal binary

5.2. Big Data - Hadoop

5.3. HTML5

6. Google Portfolios

6.1. Syllabus

6.2. Public/Professional Behavior

6.3. G-mail

6.4. Calendar

6.5. Google Sites

6.6. Web vs PC based

6.6.1. The Cloud

6.6.2. Google - Microsoft Saving your work in both environments! Why this is critical!

7. Databases

7.1. Ethics

7.1.1. Ethics Database

7.1.2. Personal Ethics Statement

7.2. Future

7.2.1. Careers

8. Presentation Software

8.1. Presentation Principles

8.1.1. Incremental reveal Transitions Formatting

8.2. Google Slides

8.3. Prezi

8.4. PowerPoint

8.5. Sound files

8.6. Conversions, Videos

8.7. Mindmaps

8.7.1. Mindmeister

8.7.2. The Brain Software

9. Functional Resume

9.1. Objective

9.1.1. Advisement, Degree Requirements Skill Categories Skill Statements

9.2. Word Processing

9.2.1. Google docs

9.2.2. Footer, Bullets, Tabs

9.2.3. Microsoft

9.2.4. PDF

9.3. Gallup Strengths

10. Spreadsheets

10.1. Loan Calculator

10.1.1. Vlookup

10.2. fill

10.2.1. formulas Formatting Headers & Footers

10.3. Grading

10.3.1. Pivot Tables & Charts