Mind Mapping in Math Classrooms

Mind Mapping Resources for Math Educators

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Mind Mapping in Math Classrooms by Mind Map: Mind Mapping in Math Classrooms

1. Uses in Math Classrooms

1.1. Concept Maps

1.1.1. Overview

1.1.2. Examples 2nd Degree Polynomials Algebra 2

1.2. Tree Diagrams

1.2.1. Examples Coin Toss - Probability

1.3. Process Maps

1.3.1. Examples Addition of Fractions Prime Factoring

1.4. Problem Solving

1.4.1. Paper on Problem Maps

1.5. Math Topic Information/Resources

1.5.1. Math History Timeline

1.5.2. Math in the News

2. Research

2.1. Graphic Organizers Research

2.1.1. Lit Review by Inspiration

3. Mind Mapping Programs

3.1. Web-Based + Offline

3.1.1. MindMeister

3.1.2. Mindomo

3.2. Offline Only

3.2.1. Inspiration

3.2.2. Mind Genius