Taking on the Swamp

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Taking on the Swamp by Mind Map: Taking on the Swamp

1. Work Experience

1.1. UF Teach- Tom Dana ([email protected])

1.2. PUR4940 Internship Position- Spiro Kiousis ([email protected])

1.3. Gainesville High School Teacher Shadowing (352-955-6707)

1.4. Telecommunications Internship (Dr. David Ostroff)

1.5. Student opportunities for College of Journalism- Renee Gork ([email protected])

2. Volunteer

2.1. Baby Gator - Alicia Mottl ( 352-392-2330)

3. Church Involvement

3.1. Liturgical Ministry

3.2. Music Ministry

3.3. Mission Trip

3.4. Catechism

3.5. St. Augustine's Catholic Church - (352-372-3533

4. Leadership

4.1. Honors

4.1.1. SHO Executive Board

4.1.2. Honors Ambassadors

4.2. Preview Staff

4.3. Florida Cicerones ([email protected]

4.4. UF Dazzlers Dance Team

4.4.1. Coach

4.4.2. Captain

5. Academics

5.1. Honors College

5.1.1. Office (352-392-1519)

5.2. M.D. or Ph. D

5.3. Summa Cum-Laude

5.4. The quest for a major - CRC @ Reitz Union (www.crc.ufl.edu)

6. Study Abroad

6.1. Europe

6.1.1. Italy-Sherrie Nunn ([email protected])

6.1.2. Greece

6.1.3. England

6.1.4. Switzerland

6.1.5. Spain

6.2. UF International Center (www.ufic.ufl.edu/SAS)