Mankind Is No Island

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Mankind Is No Island by Mind Map: Mankind Is No Island

1. Corporations

1.1. a. Greed

1.2. b. Corrupt

1.3. c. Selfish

1.4. Power hungry

1.5. Doing good deeds only for Public relations

2. Society

2.1. Public Perception

2.2. Ignorance

2.3. Awareness

2.4. Compassion

2.5. Empathy

3. Government

3.1. Corruption

3.2. Capitalism

3.3. Socialism

3.4. Freedom

3.5. Poverty

4. Relationships

4.1. Family i. Taken for granted ii. Disregarded iii. Lack of quality iv. Caring

4.2. Friends i. Ignored ii. Nonchalant iii. Nostalgic iv. Axiomatic

5. Identity

5.1. Feeling of self-worth

5.2. Belonging

5.3. Abandoned

5.4. Self-respect

5.5. Love