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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Kings

1.1. Environment

1.1.1. huge castles

1.1.2. luxury

1.1.3. highest quality of everything

1.2. Responsibilities

1.2.1. take care of everyone on land

1.2.2. control vassals

1.2.3. handle money

1.3. Rights

1.3.1. tell vassals what to do with warriors

1.3.2. make deals with vassals for fiefs and services

1.3.3. order and tell people what to do

2. Knights

2.1. Environment

2.1.1. owned manors

2.1.2. war zones

2.1.3. medieval tournaments

2.2. Responsibilities

2.2.1. protect weak and poor

2.2.2. display chivalry

2.2.3. use horse and sword

2.3. Rights

2.3.1. raise troops & command them

2.3.2. hold own court of jurisdiction

2.3.3. coin own money

3. Nobles

3.1. Environment

3.1.1. luxury

3.1.2. don't work

3.1.3. huge castles & fancy possessions

3.2. Responsibilites

3.2.1. protect people settled on their land

3.2.2. supply jobs for people on land

3.2.3. supply food and housing for people on land

3.3. Rights

3.3.1. men free in person and possessions

3.3.2. could raise troops & command them

3.3.3. lord of people who settled on land

4. Peasants/Serfs

4.1. Environment

4.1.1. lords' manors

4.1.2. 1-2 room shacks

4.1.3. cramped villages on manors

4.2. Responsibilities

4.2.1. work in fields

4.2.2. take care of animals

4.2.3. tend to the estate

4.2.4. few days of work per week

4.2.5. taxes for grainery and tithe for church

4.3. Rights

4.3.1. couldn't hold weddings unless approved by lord

4.3.2. couldn't leave land born on

4.3.3. house, farmland and protection from bandits

4.3.4. can't be bought or sold

4.3.5. weddings/marriage only with lord's consent

5. Bishops/Church Officials

5.1. Environment

5.1.1. manors

5.1.2. villages

5.1.3. churches

5.2. Responsibilties

5.2.1. administer necessary sacraments regularly & consistently

5.2.2. absolve men & women of their sins

5.2.3. keep people holy

5.3. Rights

5.3.1. could have luxury

5.3.2. practically same rights to riches as nobles

5.3.3. collect taxes (tithe) from people