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OPC_class_8 by Mind Map: OPC_class_8

1. students

1.1. presentation of the class 08 (May, 7), given on May, 14

1.2. Stefania

1.3. Laura

2. Web-atelier

2.1. Poliform

2.2. Silversea

2.3. Hotel Dante


3. Web 2.0

3.1. Origin of the name

3.1.1. Alpha version

3.1.2. Beta version

3.1.3. 1.0

3.1.4. 2.0

3.2. Different prospectives

3.2.1. technology (RSS)

3.2.2. graphic (colors, shapes)

3.2.3. market (new and fresh)

3.3. Main concepts

3.3.1. user generated content

3.3.2. from the library to the conversation

3.3.3. multimedia

3.4. Web 2.0 & Companies

3.4.1. listen

3.4.2. participate

3.4.3. lead

3.5. Services typologies

3.5.1. review (tripadvisor)

3.5.2. socialnetwork (facebook)

3.5.3. content community (flickr)

3.5.4. forum

3.5.5. blog (newmine)

3.5.6. wiki (wikipedia)