North Carolina Virtual Public School Three Pillars of Teaching

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North Carolina Virtual Public School Three Pillars of Teaching by Mind Map: North Carolina Virtual Public School Three Pillars of Teaching

1. 3. Teach Through Synchronous Contact: Real-Time Communication

1.1. Real-time interaction with students

1.1.1. Teachers chat live with students using a secured instant messaging tool, Some chat rooms even have white boards that can be used to collaborate in real-time

1.1.2. Virtual classrooms: Live or recorded. Recorded webinars are helpful for review or if students are unable to make it to live session.

1.1.3. Guest speakers will increase interaction.

1.1.4. Covering the basics--a telephone can be used to connect with students and inform parents of progress.

2. 2. Teach Using a Messaging System and Email, Offering High-Quality Feedback

2.1. Teacher feedback + Student Response = Student Learning

2.1.1. Messages allow teachers to ask questions to build connections without fear of embarrassment from classmates.

2.1.2. Email makes it possible to offer feedback on assignments.

2.1.3. Makes it easier to review concepts

2.1.4. Messaging students creates dialogue.

3. 1. Teach Using Course Announcements

3.1. Can be used to teach a concept

3.2. Can provide goals via announcements.

3.3. Helpful in roadcasting important information.

3.4. When used at the conclusion of a course, can be a means to conduct formative assessments.