1. Theories of Technology
1.1. Media Ecology
1.1.1. Technology and other media affect student learning Teachers can and should use technology in their classrooms to help students learn
1.1.2. Newly emerging theory
1.1.3. Communication systems are an environment Media includes: books, computers, radio, television, movies, etc.
1.1.4. Interaction with technology aids/influences our learning
1.2. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)
1.2.1. Our actions shape technology
1.2.2. Technology is embedded in a social context
1.2.3. Need to be able to explain why a certain technology is successful, using a criteria
1.2.4. Different technologies have different uses and meanings for different groups
1.2.5. Multiple ways to construct technologies
2. Learning Theories
2.1. Constructivism
2.1.1. Learners build on previous knowledge
2.1.2. Learner is active
2.1.3. Need authentic activities for students to build their knowledge and be challenged
2.1.4. Students are responsible for their learning Metacognition - thinking about their own thinking and learning Should direct their own learning
2.1.5. Collaboratively build meaning with others (bring in their own framework of knowledge)
2.2. Cognitive Load
2.2.1. Working memory can only hold 7+/-2 items at a time Overload is when working memory has to process too much too quickly
2.2.2. 3 Types of Cognitive load Extraneous Load - when something is boring or too easy, focus on things other than putting into LTM Intrinsic Load - when something is too complex Germane Load - when effort is taken to learn and schemas are created
2.2.3. Have an unlimited Long Term Memory (LTM)
2.2.4. Schemas are created - memory structures that are in LTM
2.2.5. Ways to learn Chunking - compressing the information to more manageable sizes (usually through meaning) Repetition - for complex tasks, rehearsal is key Providing meaningful context Very important for teachers to remember!
2.3. Connectivism
2.3.1. Learning connects nodes of networks and information sources Students can increase their learning by connecting to existing networks
2.3.2. Ties technology, connections and learning together
2.3.3. Learning does not only occur within a student, but networks, communities
2.3.4. Important to know where to find information
2.3.5. Need to maintain the connections that are made Multiple options in connections to be made
2.3.6. Important to be up-to-date and current in knowledge and understanding More important to learn new knowledge than what is already known
2.3.7. Ability to see connections between ideas and notions is important